Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Birthday Fun

Lately, I have had more than usual going on.

Work has been insane... we had four rape callouts in the last four weeks- and I advocated for three of them. In our business, that means a whole lot of over time. 

Sometimes, I do worry that my job is too much for me, especially at this age. I do internalize a lot of the emotional aspects of my job sometimes. I think that my family and friends don't realize what I see at my job. It's almost like I live a double life, and I switch between advocate and Lauren... it's really strange. 

BUT aside from all the work drama.. my birthday was a few days ago, and it was FABULOUS. Over the past few years, I've gone through a series of not-so-hot birthdays, so this was a refreshing change. My friends planned a surprise party for me, and it was so much fun!

 My friend Ansley came to pick me up for dinner, and when I got in the car, two of my friends popped up in the back seat! We all then went to eat at Red Lobster, and then we went back to Beth's house and we celebrated! Then we went to Lucky's, the new bar in Remerton. It was great- I rarely get time to let loose these days so I really enjoyed myself. It also was really nice that my friends did something like that for me. I really haven't ever had anyone do something like that for me before besides my parents so it was nice. 

My sweet boyfriend bought me a Keurig Vue- so that was very exciting for me! I'm a coffee addict- and the Vue makes latte's and sweet tea and hot chocolate and anything you can imagine! It was a sweet surprise!

My parents got me a Michael Kors gold purse... very excited about that! Also some Dior makeup and a few other things. They also got me a red velvet cake- my favorite!

All in all- a pretty wonderful birthday! I can't complain :)

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