Saturday, October 20, 2012

New Beginnings

So, I never thought I'd be here.. blogging.  Internet blogging has never been enticing to me; however, as I have graduated from college and no longer have an opportunity to organize my thoughts on paper, this seems to be a suitable outlet for me. I've also seen several of my friends posting blogs lately, and hey, we all have a little narcissism in us.

That being said, with my life changing so much and so swiftly, I feel that it is a good time to document some of this for a later date. I've tried diarying and journaling but it has never stuck. Maybe, with the convenience of the internet I can have some of my life documented in text for my children, grandchildren, whoever it may be that would actually have some interest in my life.

I should first start off by offering a quick background of my current circumstances. In May of 2012, I graduated from the University of Georgia. After four long years, I have returned to my hometown to work and live and face the new challenges that come my way. I had a wonderful, eventful, sometimes terrible time in college... I loved Athens but could hardly wait to get back home. I majored in English and maintained the Hope Scholarship the entire time I was in college. Leaving what many seem to consider the "best years of their life," I quickly transitioned into what I will confidently name the best years of mine.

In May of 2011, I began dating the love of my life. I didn't expect to find Tanner when I did. We had a rocky start, and in the process I lost a dear friend. However, our relationship remains a true testament to the phrase, "some things happen for a reason." As we describe it to our friends and family.. it was a God thing.

Tanner changed my life and probably had a large impact on my decision to return home. He showed me that love didn't have to be quite as complicated... that despite what my friends and family had always told me.. it didn't have to always be a competition, a game.  From the first kiss, we have been entirely committed to each other, and we've always known we would end up together.

After I returned home, I quickly fell into my current position at the best non-profit in town. I currently work for The Haven's Battered Women's Shelter and Rape Crisis Center. I work as their Volunteer Coordinator where I hire new volunteers for our organization. I also work as a rape crisis advocate where I respond to rape calls at all hours of the night.

I love the place I am in right now, and I can honestly say I'm the happiest I have ever been.

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